Late last year in two of the markets I helped produced mircosites and content for Kelsey Peterson abducted a boy from Nebraska (NTV aka KHGI) and drove him to Mexico through another one of our markets in Yuma, AZ (KSWT). So we whipped together a Fact File site to capture all the information surrounding the story.
In the fact file you can see a time line of the crime, photos, videos, key characters, blog and glossary of relevant terms to the case. Here is the direct link to the video page: http://www.factfile.tv/peterson/petersonvideo/5980
It looks like the webmaster has not been keeping the page up. However, I am happy to find out the resolution to the story. This from the NTV Twitter: "Kelsey Peterson has been sentenced to 6 yrs in federal prison & 5 yrs of supervision after for taking her underage lover to Mexico."
When I asked my contact at NTV, "Whatever happened to the boy?" She said the last she heard from him was that he was still living in Mexico since Kelsey dropped him off there.
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